Traveling by air during pregnancy: why it pays to charter a private jet

Flying by plane during pregnancy is not dangerous, but the first rule to follow is common sense. Renting a private jet might be a good idea.

A trip will never be a problem for pregnant women, in fact, especially a vacation can be healthy and help to relax, however, there are rules to follow and some tips that would be useful to follow before embarking, always keeping in mind that, as in any important time in life, common sense will always be a good ally.

Regulations for taking a plane during pregnancy

Women from 37 weeks of pregnancy onward are not allowed to travel by plane. The health and safety of travelers is always the priority of airlines, even more so when it comes to pregnant women, it is necessary to safeguard the health of the mother and the future unborn child in every way. Boarding rules, relative to pregnant women may vary from company to company (so we always recommend inquiring well in advance) but usually the trend is not to accept passengers on board beyond the 37th week of gestation, or the third month of pregnancy.

Until the second month of pregnancy, you can travel by air without any problems. Pregnant women up to the second month of pregnancy are at no risk by traveling by air. Scientific studies have clearly affirmed that mother and fetus do not suffer any harm during the flight, but since the pregnant state is a special and very important period of our existence, the famous common sense would equally recommend a specialist examination during the days before departure. In fact, miscarriages, which would have nothing to do with flying on an airplane, are very common in the first few weeks of life (it happens to one in six women in the first trimester of pregnancy)

Is it possible to travel by air during twin pregnancy?

In anticipation of a twin pregnancy, there are more precautions to be taken; Airlines usually board only women who are pregnant no later than 32 weeks, but in this case a medical certificate or medical clearance Medical with a date no earlier than seven days prior to departure. We recommend that medical documentation be presented when booking the ticket, but also keep a hard copy on hand to show when boarding.

How to dress and where to sit during the flight?

Again, the famous common sense should come into play, established that flying in an airplane during after the third month of pregnancy is not dangerous to the health of the mother and that of the unborn child. Whenever possible it is always best to choose short or medium routes, Preferably direct to also avoid the stresses of multiple takeoffs and multiple landings. During flights longer than four hours, it is advisable to wear comfortable clothes, tennis shoes, and compression stockings so as to minimize the risk of thrombosis.

Whenever possible, even on scheduled flights it would also be helpful to choose the most comfortable seats positioned close to the aisle so that you can stretch your legs. On board a private jet this problem does not exist, as passengers are seated in exclusive cabins and seats that are more comfortable than in compared to scheduled flights.

Is a chaperone necessary?

Let’s not exaggerate, no woman needs a chaperone to take a trip, even when pregnant in a pregnant state. There are no regulations that require pregnant women to be accompanied by someone in order to travel aboard an airplane, but even then it is always best to take as many precautions as possible. After the 28th week, a chaperone could be a useful resource, someone to chat with during the flight and who can help the mother-to-be with luggage transfers.

Why is it better to charter a private jet when traveling during pregnancy?

The reasons for preferring a private flight to a scheduled one are always the same, whether you are pregnant or not:

  • Superior comfort aboard a private jet. Obviously, the interiors of private planes offer a significantly higher level of comfort than scheduled flights. Larger cabins fully available to the traveler, more comfortable seats, and more relaxing environments provide a much better travel experience, especially for pregnant women.
  • Travel flexibility. Choosing when to leave, what route to take, and not having to be subjected to the obligatory times of scheduled flights are one of the main conveniences for those who choose to charter a private jet. These advantages make travel much less strenuous and eliminate all kinds of discomfort. L’independence from set schedules and routes is undoubtedly the main advantage that makes pregnant women prefer private jets to commercial airliners.

The ‘obvious absence of delays, not having to stand in any queue during boarding, the increased comfort on board, the possibility of consuming a personalized menu and all the benefits of Private Jet travel make this travel option the best possible even for pregnant women, if you are interested in receiving further information and to book a private jet connect with
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