Why we consider the Cessna C525 Citation CJ1 a rental champ
because it can take off in less than a thousand meters and land in less than 800 m, which enable it to be operated in near any airport. It is very popular, with more than 700 units sold worldwide. Operating costs are also viable, at $ 1260 per hour. It can carry five passengers and two pilots, or one pilot and six passengers with the revised version CJ1 +.
The CitationJet is a twin-engine business jet of the US aircraft manufacturer Cessna, which belongs to the aircraft family of the Citation. He was the basis for the more modern variants Citation CJ1 +, CJ2 +, CJ3 and CJ4.
The Cessna Citation CJ1 (also known as Cessna 525) was presented together with the CJ2 1998. It replaced the Cessna CitationJet and is distinguished by improved electronics and effectiveness. The CJ1 was replaced by the revised version CJ1 +. The difference is above all a further revision of the avionics. Due to the installation of FADEC, the thrust deflectors on the engines of the CJ1 + as well as of the larger CJ2 + were eliminated. Due to these changes, the CJ1 (+) may be flown by a pilot.
Technical Specifications

- Exterior Height: 13 ft 7 in
- Wing Span: 46 ft 9 in
- Length: 42 ft 7 in
- External Baggage: 51 cu ft
- Cabin Height: 4 ft 8 In
- Cabin Width: 4 ft 9 In
- Cabin Length: 11 ft
- Cabin Volume: 201 cu ft
- Door Height: 4 ft 4 In
- Door Width: 2 ft
- Internal Baggage: 8 cu ft
- Crew: 2
- Passengers: 5
Operating Weights
- Max T/O Weight: 10600 Lb
- Max Landing Weight: 9800 Lb
- Operating Weight: 7050 Lb
- Fuel Capacity: 3220 lbs Lb
- Payload W/Full Fuel: 430 Lb
- Max Payload: 1350 Lb
- Normal Range: 775 nm
- Max Range: 1161 nm
- Service Ceiling: 41000 ft
- Balanced Field Length: 4220 ft
- Landing Distance: 4407 ft
- Rate of Climb: 3230 fpm
- Climb Rate One Engine Inop: 850 fpm
- Max Speed: 381 kts
- Normal Cruise: 381 kts
- Economy Cruise: 307 kts
- Cost per Hour: $ 1,279
Power Plant
- Engines: 2
- Engine Mfg: Williams
- Engine Model: FJ44-1A