Daily air traffic variation – States
This page presents the daily variation of Traffic per State compared to 2019. The comparison with previous year is made using the closest similar days: i.e. Monday 03/02/2020 is compared to Monday 04/02/2019. Data are courtesy of EUROCONTROL.
Such variation can be explained by many different factors including:
- COVID-19.
- Overall economic downturn.
- Failure of airlines.
- ANSPs’ disruptions.
- Airports’ disruptions.
- Traffic variation in 2019.

The graphics above present the daily evolution, the average evolution of each week (starting on Mondays) and the moving average over the last 7 days.
Air traffic forecast up to February 2021
These forecasts show that, if there is sufficient coordination, air traffic will be 15% lower than February 2019 in February 2021. Unfortunately, the nationalism and the tendency of many States of the European Union for every man, lack of coordination at European level, could decrease traffic even more, reaching -25% in February 2021 compared to February 2019. See the graph below:

Uncertainty linked to the evolution of the pandemic
Still it is necessary that there is not a second wave, or at least, that this one will be contained. If the virus spreads again, these forecasts will turn out to be too optimistic, and tougher restrictions will be applied.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, EUROCONTROL is publishing a regular comprehensive assessment of the latest traffic situation in Europe and provides a comparison to the same period in 2019.
Quick summary of the latest numbers
3,304 flights
on Tuesday 17 May 2020
– 89.2 %
flights compared to 2019
4,572 flights
daily average for Week 20
– 85.5 %
flights compared to 2019
Busiest airports (week 20)
- Frankfurt (251 movements/day);
- Heathrow (220 movements/day);
- Schiphol (201 movements/day);
- Paris CDG (200 movements/day);
- Oslo (153 movements/day);
- Leipzig (147 movements/day).
Busiest airlines (week 20)
- DHL Express (179 movements/day);
- Widerøe (150 movements/day);
- Lufthansa (102 movements/day);
- Qatar Airways (98 movements/day);
- France: Lockdown (17/3). Gradual lifting (11/5). State of emergency (22/3-24/7). Borders closed (with exceptions). No foreign pax to 20/5. From 11/5 limited pax from EU27 + (AD, MC, VA, SM, IS, LI, NO, CH, GB). Quarantine on arrival except EU27, Schengen and UK. Orly closed for commercial traffic on 31/3, possible re-opening from 26/6. Load factor limited (possibly just to Air France)
- Germany Lockdown (12/3). Gradual lifting from 20/4. Physical distancing (23/3–3/5). Entry restrictions for non EU pax flights (16/5-15/6). Air carriers to keep contact details for 30 days of all pax (10/4-7/7). Flights from IR prohibited until 28/6. Quarantine on arrivals in State of Berlin extended to 5/6. To extend worldwide travel warning to 14/6. Mandatory mask at German airports from 29/4.
- Ireland Lockdown (24/3). Gradual lifting (18/5-10/8). Quarantine on arrivals with exceptions (16/3). Service restrictions at some airports.
- Italy: State of emergency (30/1-3/5). Lockdown (25/3). Gradual lifting from 14/4. Limited service to 18 airports (12/3-3/5). ~70 airports closed with exemptions (15/4-17/5). Re-opening of ~20 airports, including Rome Ciampino and Florence airports from 4/5. Domestic pax traffic resumes with restrictions [3/5]. No longer restrictions in movement across regions (18/5), borders to re-open with EU on 3/6, quarantine applies to IT pax arriving to Sardinia
- Spain: Lockdown (30/3-9/5). Gradual lifting from 11/5. State of emergency extended to 24/5. Borders closed, quarantine arriving pax (15-24/5) [12/5]. Flights btw Spain cont. and Balearics/Canaries prohibited (with exceptions) (19/3-23/5). Direct flights from IT prohibited (until 23/5). Pax flights occupancy reduced by 70% (25/4). Mandatory face masks for all pax & staff in contact with them (4/5).
- Switzerland: Lockdown (16/3). Gradual lifting from 27/4. Borders closed except for LI residents (25/3). Re-opening of borders with DE and AT from 16/5, likely extended to FR by Mid June [15/5]. Commercial traffic terminated at Lugano airport
- United Kingdom: Lockdown (23/3) until 1/6. Gradual lifting from 11/5. Airport closures including at London City and ops restrictions at many airports. Mandatory masks and gloves at UK airports [3/5]. Quarantine on arrival (details tbd.)
Albania | Lockdown (10/3). Gradual lifting from 26/4. Closed borders. Tirana closed to international pax flights with exceptions until 30/5. |
Armenia | Lockdown (24/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. State of emergency (16/3-22/5). No foreign pax flights with exceptions (quarantine applies) until 31/5. |
Austria | Lockdown (15/3). Gradual lifting from 14/4. No pax flights from CN, KR, IR, IT, CH, FR, ES, UK, NL, RU, UA until 22/5. Coronavirus testing carried out at Vienna airport (4/5). Quarantine on arrival until 31/5. Borders with DE, IT, CH, LI, CZ and SK to re-open from 31/5. |
Azerbaijan | Lockdown (31/3-31/5). Gradual lifting from 4/5. International regular pax flights prohibited at 6 airports (9/4-31/5). |
Belgium | Lockdown (18/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. Borders closed to non-essential travel (14/3-19/5). Quarantine all arriving pax. Charleroi airport closed (25/3–early June). Brussels airport operates cargo and essential flights only. Liege apt is the European hub for medical cargo [14/4]. |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | State of Emergency (17/3). Self-isolation for all arrivals. Foreign nationals banned. All airports closed for passenger traffic until 31/5 with exemptions. |
Bulgaria | Lockdown (13/3). Gradual lifting, ie travel restrictions eased from 6/5. Travel allowed for transit pax and foreign workers (14/5-14/6). State of emergency (13/3-13/5). Borders closed to foreign travellers at least until 14/6, likely further extended beyond 13/7 [15/5]. Quarantine upon arrival (14/5-14/6). |
Country | Status |
Croatia | Lockdown (19/3-4/5).Gradual lifting from 27/4. Self-isolation for new arrivals. Restoring domestic flights from 11/5. Border re-opened for Croatian nationals and residents in Croatia from Schengen area, EU27, and UK, also for business from 9/5. Otherwise borders closed until 15/6 [17/5] |
Cyprus | Lockdown (23/3-21/5). Gradual lifting from 4/5. Borders closed. Quarantine for new arrivals. No flights from/to EU, CH, IS, LI, NO until 28/5 [14/5]. |
Czech Republic | State of emergency (16/3–17/5). Lockdown (16/3). Gradual lifting from 9/4. Travel restrictions lifted for business from 14/4. Entry allowed EU from 24/4 and for non-EU citizens from 11/5. Some flights resume from Prague [7/5]. International flights to be performed only to and from Prague only until 31/5. |
Denmark | Lockdown (16/3). Gradual lifting from 15/4. Borders closed except to DK citizens (with exemptions) and connecting pax until 31/5. |
Estonia | State of emergency (12/3–18/5). Gradual lifting from 22/4. Self-isolation for many arrivals except LV, LT and FI citizens from 19/5. Borders reopened from 15/5 |
EU27 | External borders and Schengen closure probably extended (17/3-15/6) [8/5] exc. pax from GB, CH, NO, LI and IS. Applies below unless specified. |
Finland | State of emergency (16/3–13/5). Lockdown (27/3). Borders closed (with exemptions) until 14/6. No international pax flights until 27/5. Limited int’l pax flights to or from the EU at Helsinki, Turku and Mariehamn airports for repatriation (11/5-27/5) |
France | Lockdown (17/3). Gradual lifting (11/5). State of emergency (22/3-24/7). Borders closed (with exceptions). No foreign pax to 20/5. From 11/5 limited pax from EU27 + (AD, MC, VA, SM, IS, LI, NO, CH, GB). Quarantine on arrival except EU27, Schengen and UK. Orly closed for commercial traffic on 31/3, possible re-opening from 26/6. Load factor limited (possibly just to Air France) [11/5] |
Georgia | State of emergency (21/3-22/5). Borders closed (18/3-22/5). All international scheduled flights to/from GE prohibited with some exceptions until 22/5. Quarantine on arrivals until 22/5. Plans to open for foreign tourism by 1/7 [11/5] |
Germany | Lockdown (12/3). Gradual lifting from 20/4. Physical distancing (23/3–3/5). Entry restrictions for non EU pax flights (16/5-15/6). Air carriers to keep contact details for 30 days of all pax (10/4-7/7). Flights from IR prohibited until 28/6. Quarantine on arrivals in State of Berlin extended to 5/6. To extend worldwide travel warning to 14/6. Mandatory mask at German airports from 29/4. |
Greece | Lockdown (23/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. Suspension of flights from ES, IT, GB, NL and non EU states with exceptions until 31/5. Suspension of flights from AL, MK and TK until 14/06. Quarantine on arrivals until 31/5. Keen to restart tourism [17/4]. International flights to Athens only (14/5 – 31/5) |
Hungary | State of emergency (11/3). Lockdown (13/3). Gradual lifting from 1/5. Social distancing (11/4). Borders closed except for HU citizens and EEA residents (12/3-30/5). Arrivals allowed for residents from CZ, PL, KR, DE, AT, SK and JP for business purposes until 30/05. |
Ireland | Lockdown (24/3). Gradual lifting (18/5-10/8). Quarantine on arrivals with exceptions (16/3). Service restrictions at some airports. |
Israel | State of emergency (18/3). Lockdown (25/3). Gradual lifting from 19/4. Borders closed. International flights to IL allowed at Ben Gurion airport only (12/4-31/5). All pax arriving prohibited to enter IL (with exceptions) until 31/5. |
Italy | State of emergency (30/1-3/5). Lockdown (25/3). Gradual lifting from 14/4. Limited service to 18 airports (12/3-3/5). ~70 airports closed with exemptions (15/4-17/5). Re-opening of ~20 airports, including Rome Ciampino and Florence airports from 4/5. Domestic pax traffic resumes with restrictions [3/5]. No longer restrictions in movement across regions (18/5), borders to re-open with EU on 3/6, quarantine applies to IT pax arriving to Sardinia [16/5] |
Latvia | State of emergency (12/3-12/5). Closed borders (17/3) lifted for EE and LT from 15/5, pax flights to Tallin (EE) and Vilnius (LT) to resume from 18/5 [14/5], otherwise quarantine on arrival (12/5-9/6). No international pax flights to/from Riga (11/5-31/5) and LV (16/3-9/6) other than pax from LT and EE. |
Lithuania | Lockdown (16/3-31/5). Gradual lifting from 15/4. Borders closed (14/3) lifted for EE and LV citizens from 15/5. LT citizens allowed travelling abroad from 4/5. No foreign pax (with exceptions) until 31/5. Quarantine on arrivals with exceptions (24/3-31/5). Allowed pax must arrive via Vilnius, Kaunas, Palanga or Siauliai. Pax flights from LT to Riga, Frankfurt expected from 13 May [6/5]. Registration of contact details mandatory upon arrival (07/05) |
Luxembourg | State of emergency (22/3-21/6). Lockdown (15/3). Gradual lifting from 20/4. All pax arriving prohibited to enter LU (with exception for EU/Schengen citizens, see EU27) until 15/6. No leisure & training flights (25/3). Rare pax flights at Luxembourg airport. Mandatory masks and gloves at (20/4). |
Malta | Lockdown (18/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. All pax arriving prohibited to/from MT (with exceptions) until 31/5. Mandatory quarantine of 14 days for pax from FR, ES, CH, DE, IT, CN, SG, JP, IR and KR until 30/6. |
Moldova | State of emergency (17/3-15/5). Partial lockdown (24/3). Borders closed (17/3). No regular scheduled/charter pax flights (25/3-31/5). No foreign pax (with exceptions) until 31/5. Self-isolation for all travellers who stayed in high-risk areas. |
Monaco | Lockdown (17/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. |
Montenegro | Closed borders (18/3-?). Lockdown (18/3-1/6). Gradual lifting from 4/5. All pax arriving prohibited to enter Montenegro (with exemptions) until 1/6. Mandatory 14-day quarantine on arrivals (30/4-1/6). Tivat airport closed (19/3-14/5). |
Morocco | State of medical emergency (20/3-20/5). Lockdown (16/3). Suspended International flights (with exemptions) (15/3-31/5). Private flights to/from MA prohibited until 31/5. |
Netherlands | “Intelligent” lockdown (10/3). Gradual lifting from 11/5. Physical distancing until 1/6. All non-Schengen prohibited to enter NL (with exemptions) (16/4-15/6). Quarantine for all travellers who stayed in high risk areas (17/4-1/6). Some restrictions at small airports. Health screenings on arrivals at Dutch airports. |
North Macedonia | Limited lockdown. State of emergency (18/3-31/5). Borders closed (16/3-30/5). Skopje airport closed with exceptions (18/3-16/5). No foreign pax (with exceptions) until 30/5. Physical distancing. |
Norway | Limited lockdown (12/3). Gradual lifting from 27/4. Borders closed (16/3) until 20/8. No foreign pax until 15/6. Quarantine upon arrival until 15/6. |
Poland | Lockdown (24/3). Borders closed to 12/6. No int’l and commercial national flights to 23/5. Quarantine on arrival (with exceptions). |
Portugal | Lockdown (19/3). Gradual lifting from 4/5. Borders closed (16/3). Most non-EU flights prohibited (19/3-14/6) also ban on ES flights (23/3-14/6). No flights from Italy (6/5-19/5). Quarantine for all passengers landing at Madeira or Azores (13/5) |
Romania | State of emergency (16/3–14/5). State of Alert (15/5). Lockdown (25/3). Gradual lifting from 15/5. Flights btw RO and IT, ES, FR, DE, AT, BE, IR, NL, CH, TR, GB and US banned until 28/5. Some charter flights from RO allowed (seasonal workers). Quarantine upon arrival. |
Russia | Lockdown until 31/5 [8/5]. Borders indefinitely closed (18/3). International flights stopped (27/3). |
Serbia | Lockdown (15/3). Gradual lifting from 21/4. State of emergency (15/3-6/5). Borders closed (16/3) with exceptions until 8/6 [9/5]. Air traffic to resume from 18/5. Entry allowed with recent negative PCR test and no symptoms, quarantine otherwise for all internationall arrivals (with exceptions) (13/5-13/6) |
Slovakia | State of emergency (15/3-6/5). Lockdown (16/3). Gradual lifting from 22/4. Borders closed. International flights prohibited (with exceptions) until 28/5 [14/5]. Quarantine upon arrival. |
Slovenia | Lockdown (30/3). Gradual lifting from 20/4. Flights into Ljubljana restart (12/5), smaller airports to follow. Minimum 7-day quarantine upon arrival with mandatory testing for COVID-19 on 7th day of quarantine (that ends when results are negative). Borders re-opened for EU citizens (15/5) |
Spain | Lockdown (30/3-9/5). Gradual lifting from 11/5. State of emergency extended to 24/5. Borders closed, quarantine arriving pax (15-24/5) [12/5]. Flights btw Spain cont. and Balearics/Canaries prohibited (with exceptions) (19/3-23/5). Direct flights from IT prohibited (until 23/5). Pax flights occupancy reduced by 70% (25/4). Mandatory face masks for all pax & staff in contact with them (4/5). |
Sweden | Limited closures (16/3). Borders closed with limited pax circulation according to EU policy until 15/6. |
Switzerland | Lockdown (16/3). Gradual lifting from 27/4. Borders closed except for LI residents (25/3). Re-opening of borders with DE and AT from 16/5, likely extended to FR by Mid June [15/5]. Commercial traffic terminated at Lugano airport [23/4]. |
Turkey | Lockdown. Gradual lifting from 11/5. Closed borders (28/3). No international flights to 31/5. Permit required for domestic flights. Sabiha Gokcen airport closed (28/3). Travel ban on 31 major provinces extended until 4/5. Travel ban lifted from 7 provinces [4/5]. International flights likely to be allowed from June [10/5] |
Ukraine | Lockdown (11/3-11/5). Gradual lifting from 11/5. Borders closed. No foreign pax to 22/5. No international flights (17/3-22/5). Quarantine on arrival. |
United Kingdom | Lockdown (23/3) until 1/6. Gradual lifting from 11/5. Airport closures including at London City and ops restrictions at many airports. Mandatory masks and gloves at UK airports [3/5]. Quarantine on arrival (details tbd.) [10/5] |
Prévision du trafic aérien jusqu’à février 2021
Ces prévisions montrent que, si il y a une coordination suffisante, le trafic aérien sera 15 % inférieur à février 2019 en février 2021. Malheureusement, le nationalisme et la tendance de beaucoup d’États de l’union européenne au chacun pour soi, le manque de coordination à niveau européen, pourrait faire diminuer le trafic encore plus, arrivant à -25 % en février 2021 par rapport à février 2019. Voir le graphique ci-dessous :
L’incertitude liée à l’évolution de la pandémie
Encore faut-il qu’il n’y ait pas une deuxième vague, ou du moins, que celle-ci sera contenue. Si la diffusion du virus reprend de plus belle, ces prévisions vont s’avérer trop optimistes, et des restrictions plus dures seront appliquées.