How to deal with turbulence aboard private jets: tips for a smooth flight

Traveling aboard a private jet provides an unparalleled level of comfort, but even aboard these exclusive planes one can run into one of passengers’ least favorite experiences: turbulence. These in-flight jerks, caused by pressure changes, updrafts, or wind shifts, can generate discomfort to even the most experienced and accustomed travelers, let alone those facing them for the first time!

Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the impact of turbulence and enjoy the flight without worry. In this article, we will provide useful tips on how to best deal with any turbulence in flight and possibly suffer as little as possible.

Turbulence in flight not only dangerous

Understanding that turbulence is a normal part of flying can help reduce anxiety. Knowing that it is just air moving and that the aircraft is built to deal with them is the first step toward a more peaceful flight.

These are sudden changes in the air that, at most, will jolt the plane.
Although they may seem dangerous, in reality aircraft, especially the latest generation of private jets, are designed to withstand turbulence without any structural problems.
In addition, all private jets available on PrivatejetFinder are equipped with radar instrumentation that can predict any turbulence, so the pilot has plenty of time to warn you and, if necessary, to change course.

Always keep your seat belt fastened even when the signal is off.
This is the main precaution to take against turbulence.
By following this simple rule, the risk of bruising or injury when turbulence occurs becomes negligible.

Don’t think about turbulence and you won’t feel it

The first piece of advice we feel we can give you is to distract yourself and don’t dwell on the possibility of having to deal with troublesome turbulence.
Distract yourself, enjoy the ride aboard your exclusive private jet.
You will have the ultimate comfort on board, read a book, watch a movie or rest in your comfortable seat. Take advantage of the fancy entertainment systems on your plane; concentrating on enjoyable activities will certainly help ignore the jolts.

Chat with flight attendant about flight conditions

One of the advantages of chartering a private jet is the ability to have direct contact with the crew as well. Getting an update on flight conditions directly from the crew will reassure you and will certainly help lessen the feeling of anxiety.
Crews are obviously accustomed to the possibility of turbulence and know perfectly well how to deal with it while causing the least possible discomfort to passengers.

Keep your stomach “calm”

Is it better to fly on an empty stomach or is it better to eat something?
Calmness is the main virtue to best cope with any turbulence, including on the stomach.
Carbonated drinks and heavy foods can cause discomfort, especially during jolts due to turbulence.
Even fasting, however, may cause the uncomfortable “hole-in-the-stomach” feeling. A snack or light appetizer is always the ideal solution when traveling by private jet, even if only to distract yourself and pass the time without thinking about turbulence!

Don’t be afraid of turbulence and fly peacefully with PrivateJetFinder

As we have seen in this article, the main annoyance related to turbulence is anxiety. These normal air displacements may seem frightening, but they are not dangerous.
With the right precautions, passengers can deal with them safely, minimizing the risk of injury. In addition, all private jets that can be rented on PrivateJetFinder are obviously safe and designed to withstand turbulence, even very strong turbulence, without suffering structural damage.
Finally, the advanced technology of modern navigation systems and the ability of pilots to avoid areas of intense turbulence through radar and communication with other aircraft further reduce annoyances and risks.

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