The need for a rapid recovery for private jets and airliners.
In an increasingly globalized world, international trade is essential to enable each people to benefit from the know-how of others. We buy Smartphone from Asia with excellent value for money, Asia buys our wines and aircraft. Look at us and around us: how many things are produced in our country? Do we believe that our country could produce all these things at the same price as imported goods? We cannot produce Smartphones with the same quality and the same price, they cannot produce planes like Airbus. Aviation is essential for connecting people and businesses, economically, culturally, politically. Multilateral exchanges promote reciprocity of interests and peace. Never before have developed nations enjoyed such a long period without war. Tourists traveling by air are culturally and humanely enriched by the culture of the peoples they visit. Planes nailed to the ground are an invaluable loss for all of humanity, be it private jets or airliners.
Unsustainable economic losses
France and Italy welcome more than 80 million and more than 40 million tourists respectively each year. More than half of these tourists arrive by plane. Tourism accounts for 9% of French gross domestic product, more than 5% of that of Italy. In France, one million and 100,000 workers depend directly on the aeronautical industry. There are also countries whose GDP depends to a large extent, often more than 20%, on tourism, such as Seychelles, Thailand, Spain, Nepal, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Kenya, Egypt , Morocco, Tunisia and many others.
Transmission of the Covid-19 inside an aircraft is less likely than in a shopping center
Most people think of the plane as a closed environment where everyone ends up breathing the same air. The reality is that the air in an airplane is changed about ten times an hour, is filtered by a sophisticated ventilation system that traps 98% of bacteria, according to Boeing, and even viruses. Not only are there no particles aloft, but even if there were, they would be filtered out. Several studies show that coronaviruses attach to particles from car pollution, the famous p.m. 10 and p.m. 2.5, particles that are present in any hypermarket or store with a storefront. Contagion is even less likely in a private plane, which is normally shared with family or colleagues.
The cabin ventilation system “has been optimized after several crises, including that of SARS” (severe acute respiratory syndrome, 2002-2003), Airbus boss Guillaume Faury recently told RTL.
“The air comes from outside, it’s very strongly filtered and is ventilated from top to bottom. We are not in the neighbors’ air flow, there is no aerosol which remains in suspension in the air since the air circulates constantly, it is completely renewed every two to three minutes (on an Airbus), “he added. For him, “on board there is no particular difficulty”.
New anti-virus protections

As I already wrote here, there are anti-virus protections for efficient, practical and cheap aircraft.
And the transmission of the virus at airports?
Private planes and jets are not affected
If you can hire a private jet or a private plane, note that only about twenty minutes will separate your takeoff from your arrival at the airport. You will be boarded via areas reserved for private aircraft, so you will not be in close contact with anyone.
Measures to be taken soon for airliners
Airports will eliminate queues, thanks to the computerization of boarding procedures. The Internet, smartphones and computers will allow each passenger to go to the counter at the exact moment when they can be boarded with their luggage.
Gloves and masks are required at Dubai International Airport and thermal scanners check the temperature at the airport entrance.
Transmission of the Covid-19 in an airplane is less likely than in a shopping center. The measures that will be taken for airliners.